
Showing posts from 2017

Fibonacci sequence

Today we did Fibonacci sequence in maths and we had to do a background picture of a flower.

Whanau sports practice

Thursday the 7 of December we had to practice our whanau sports and if you are wondering what that is it is like a day fill of some athletics like long jump, high jump, hurdles and Me Charlie and Ava are in a group and we take turns and swap so we don't have to be in the sun all day  and I just want to say if you are coming to our station then you have to have a good attitude be positive and always try again and again.

Our wonder

This term we were reading a story about this kid called August he had  Treacher Collins Syndrome and that is when your face turns like that he got bullied from a lot people but except his friend Summer and sometimes Jack.And that is why you always choose kind.                    

A very emotional starting to my holiday

"Did you like our Art festival?" I say "Yes I was proud of you but I have to tell you and Mariko something," He replied  " Mariko hurry up we have to go"She yells  " We are having a tangi," Dad said in a sad voice "Who passed away?" I say in a nervous voice " Your uncle Shane use want go to school tomorrow," Dad mumbled. The death of my uncle Shane info

Te Manutaratahi

Looking at the manutaratahi peacefully with my evil eyes trying to block the sun out of my way so my eyes don't turn into a ugly witch. As I slowly move into the camera Imogen comes by my side.

The twist to the king and the cobbler

The next afternoon the king changed back into the pretty, shinny royal robes. Bang, bang, bang the thief came to the cobbler with happiness, he had no clue what was going to happen next. "I command you to draw out you sword" ordered the king. The poor sad cobbler did not want to harm him or kill him. He had a wooden sword. So he didn't want to get found out for having it. "If the man is guilty my sword will change sliver if he is innocent let it be wood"He replied. (SHING) the sword let out a big sound. He cast the sword and it was wood "Hahaha I still have your coins I shall not die" Mumbled the guilty thief.

Te atahua mural

Trip, trot, drop her icy feet skids on the ice cold path rejecting why did she go outside with no shoes?. Sighting a stunning taniwha that looked like it has been dipped into a volcano. Wondering if she touches the mural then it would feel like a smooth teddy bear. Staring at RIF RAF saying to myself how could they do it in 3d.
welcome to my Maori wordle.

Te atahua kakariki whare

Slowly lifting her foot of the Ham east bus. Surrounding around the entrance,Lucky called Pepuere name                            "Come on we have to be at the front of the line,"She rumpled,    trying to get her attention.  "Kia ora we are welcoming you to our kakariki house you are our favourite school to help and support," Hine said. Matua richard introduce his self. trotting down the hallway thinking this is dumb until i saw this atahua picture "Wow" My head rose up. That is Pepuere golden pic. "You can touch it if you want," Matua said, Feeling it with pride .Bumpy and crinkly "Thank you" Pepuere replied.                                                                                   ...

The furry black cat

“Meow,”  the silky smooth blackish cat scanned the pitch black room with her keen eyes. Tickling her pale spiky whiskers to get way better sight. Scratching the table to get some attention but everyone was sleeping, “Meow meow meow” the clients went as the mysterious cat was purring.


Room ten math class have been learning fractions this term. It gets easier then harder. When we go down to the mat I always feel excited sometimes and nervous because it depends on what we are doing. I reckon the best-est thing in maths is independent learning that is when we can play math games on the Chromebooks or play games with your friends. If i could change anything about maths I would probably one hundred percent absolutely change nothing.


Bang,the blocks scrunch together. Jogging her heart out huffing and puffing thinking if she runs the hill then Pepuere will probably come in place. "AHHH," She replied her legs are starting to look like a slow statue. Three drops of sweat slid down her wet forehead. I really think I'm in a marathon. On my third lap sighting boys zooming up the hill "Ewe they smell like b.o," She widespread. At the top of the wobbly hill a very fit girl comes by and says "Keep on running" Boosting off trying to chase Keisha zooming down the steep grass "Ha caught up to you Keisha,".

Fun writing

“Wow look at this it looks like we have timed travelled back in time,” Lyla said walking up and down the street. “Stop talking nonsense Lyla we have only just eaten some magical beans you know it's not true okay,” Replied back Cara with her face that looked  like a explosion.

2. Argument writing

Statements Q. All teachers should wear uniform.? Its is fear because they wear the same clothes as you. They will like be your twin.? So they won’t get mixed up. It will be a waste of money to get other clothes.?

Art picture

Art picture Looking at the beautiful plain white wall thinking what to draw on it either singing or nature. Putting my hands gently on my chin studying in my mind where i'm gonna place the art “Clara what should we draw on the wall or either singing or nature,” I shouted then i just noticed that we was at university “Shh,’ replied Clara. Placing my hand on the wall already picturing what i’m going to draw.

Argument writing

Is year round school a good idea. I disagree of people having school every day because they will only see their family for maybe only five hours and they will be spending their years of school growing up at school.

interesting sentence

She skimmed across the noisy muddy road. I dashed across the haunted scary White house. He dived onto the icy watery rotten mat. We flipped high into the fluffy clouds.

Under water sport

Olympic “Oh no,” thinking to myself those hurdles are too high to jump i’m really coming last. Jogging my hardest then sighting a shark rushing my way trying to jump over the hurdles and shouting “I’m probably gonna get scraped from this or get eaten from this horrific shark so get me out of here,” screaming like a little girl. My heart started pounding as they slowly drifted me up. Thinking to myself could’ve just chose another Olympic sport like high jump or such.

Me and Esther moment time at the wharepukapuka

Sliding through the new library hoping to get some maori books out looking at people from far distance finding an idea for my manu tukutuku. Smelling perfume from the shelf thinking to ourselves we should get a book that smells nice giggling away. Everybody sitting on the ground to listen to the Turituri story. “Kotahi rakau,” Matua Joe harawera starts singing a song he teaches us how to sing the words then we join in and start to sing the song. Maori words Patupaiarehe-Fairy Tokotokohi-Fishing rod Koura-Crayfish Taniwha Harakeke-flax Turituri-the name of the  fairy Tauranga Ika-The place Kutai-Muscle Moke-The fish

Choice poem writing

                                                          Haiku                     Beach. Smooth beautiful sand                       rushing through my softly toes                        cant wait to be done.       

Shape poem

Netball. Bouncy ball hopping around to each others hand, That was my shape poem about my favorite sport

Tongue twister

Tongue twister. Bobby backed billy’s boards. +3) Seven silly snakes slither. +3) Mysterious Mike morley mops my mouth. +3) Black bat blinks at the bank. +3) Billy bobby picked a bouncy ball. +3)


Nanny.    My nan Is so stunning She's fair to everyone I love my nan she is the best .Love you

My best invention.

My best invention. CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK “Oh no that was Kaya.” Better go fix her. Bang yeah finally finished. Finding the button to push. “Ohhhhh too much buttons to push ow well let’s just push the green one for safety,” “Brrr I am on what is there to clean,” said robotic Kaya Thinking to myself yahh I don’t have to do my chores anymore. Coming back from school OMG my rooms a miss It will take me a whole hour to clean this nasty room if only I had something to help me….. Ting I have a clue where is Kaya? “I'm right here what is there to organise or clean,” she said in a freaky voice. “My room please,” I said she .looks so different i’ll describe her well she has this lego head and straight hair her eyes are in a square and she only has one tooth what a scare. Trotting into my room. “Mum mum” “Are you in her,” I shouted. About to go and tell her that my room clean holly molly this is heaven “Who cleaned your room” “That robotic of yours “ She repli...
                                           Art. Materials   Paint Cotton buds Any paper Pen or pencil Paint News paper Vase of flowers Instructions          Pour your paint into a container to use after. Go and get some cotton buds for the pointillism art. Ask for a paper to use for your pointillism art. Look at a photo on google about pointillism art to get a idea. 5.Draw your flowers in a vase to see your outlines. 6.Start to pointillism your art by putting dots on it. 7.And have a awesome time off pointillism. Reflection. I learnt how to do some great pointillism.

Strike performance

Sitting down on the smooth chair getting ready for the performance looking at the people right in front of me feeling a little bit heart beating that means that I’m nervous . “Kia ora kotoa my name is James but you can call me Jimbo the flying nimbo. What a nerve racking name he has thinking to myself. Bang the light has turned doom wow what a sudden light flicker. This is Hannah but you can call her Hannah banana she is going to play these drums by me. Drums roll please and this is ssssssss Katie but just call her special k lets get started. Bang boom bang” Wow that is a amazing sound “Shh” said Alexus so I’ll be quiet.


Pictograph We had fantastic day of maths trying to understand Pictograph. I had remembered how to write and understand maths. We had done the months.